We are in the midst of one of the greatest disasters our province has experienced with fires rages in the Fort MacMurray area. Like so many of us I feel very deeply the sadness and grief surrounding the losses so many of the residents of Fort MacMurray are facing.

The people of Alberta and Canada are responding with so much love and support in the midst of all this loss and chaos that it makes me proud to be part of this caring and compassionate community. On a physical level we must continue to do what we can to support everyone involved.

There is another level that requires attention as well and that is the mental/emotional/spiritual level. There may be little we can do in the midst of this crisis to help people deal with this because first and foremost we must deal with safety and security. That doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do.

We can always be fully present to those we encounter and hear them out if they are willing and able to talk about what they are experiencing. We can hold them in a field of compassion and possibility within our own hearts as they struggle through this time. It is not helpful to just catastrophize, even though I have to admit that just like most people I am sorely tempted to.

Then I remember I can hold them in thoughts of loving comfort and safety where I can see for them that there are other possibilities unfolding for them even now as they deal with their losses. I can make a space to fully feel all my feelings about it and instead of trying to find blame or criticize I bring my focus back to my heart and see love at work in ways I could not even begin to imagine.

Yes, please do what you can on a physical level and remember there is so much more you can also do on an energetic one.
