Forgiveness is a cornerstone, actually a necessity in the healing process and is very much part of reconciliation after loss.

There is a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about what forgiveness really means however. There is often a connotation that to forgive someone means to condone what they have done which may have caused or triggered pain in us.

That is not what forgiveness means.  In reality, forgiveness is actually not about anyone else, it’s about letting ourselves off the hook.

If we are hanging on to grievance or hurt of any kind we are the ones who are suffering, not whoever we may be blaming. The point of forgiveness is to acknowledge the pain that an event or series of events may have caused and to declare for ourselves that we are not going to let it hurt us anymore.

That’s really the bottom line; we are releasing ourselves from the pain that has continued long after the event(s).

Why keep suffering when there is so much good in life to be experienced.

