I did mention the other day in my blog that it was time to focus more on Infinite Being and less on the distractions and that it would make for an interesting time. And wouldn’t you know it, I was right! Self-fulfilling prophecy or just the way it is… I think the latter, but who knows?

So, the last few days I’ve been having a number of encounters with my inner control freak (that’s actually a term of endearment for me). Anyway, I have to laugh because it’s really been wanting some attention and I’ve had to sit myself down and do some serious paying attention and letting go. Of course, as I released the feelings around it I could see quite clearly what was going on and why it was showing up this way.

My commitment to focussing on Infinite Being includes more shifting away from the control personality has enjoyed for oh so many years, so it isn’t all that surprising that there would be a wee bit of a rebellion going on. Sweet little thing that it is, the personality likes to think it’s in control so when you take that illusion away in real time and not just conceptually there’s bound to be a reaction. But I’m on to you honey! I love you but it’s time for a little reality check.

Control has always been an illusion and it always will be. It is one dearly held by many if not most of us but in the end, life is what it is, people do what they do, and the real power lies in deciding who I choose to be and how I will respond to whatever comes my way. I can stay tied up in knots or I can let go and free myself to keep loving and being happy. Let’s see…What shall I choose today?
