It’s late in the afternoon as I sit down to write today. It’s been a lovely day as I have had the honour of officiating the Celebration of Life for a dear friend’s dad. It was a loving tribute to a man who had a positive impact on a lot of people in his almost 96 years on the planet. Last week I also had the privilege of officiating a service for a much younger woman who also had a great impact on many.

Whether we know it or not, we are always impacting people both near and far. We often forget that as we go about our day to day lives. Each of us in our own unique way is affecting the world around us with our consciousness, our energy, our words, our actions, our lives.

As I take more time to focus on the Infinite Being that is our Source and Essential Nature, I am more aware than ever that every person and everything is One. What happens in the world is part of what I am so how can I continue to see it as outside of me or separate from me? What does that really mean on a practical level beyond mere conceptualization? How do I respond to life from this perspective?

I certainly don’t have any answers to that but what great questions to explore…
