I am devoted to constantly deepening and expanding my awareness and sense of Oneness. The spiritual aspect of life has become the most important thing to me especially in the last few years though it was very important prior to that as well. It just seems to keep getting bigger and better and more essential in everyday life for me.

I am dedicated to my spiritual practices of journaling, meditation, prayer and study and I am aware that no matter how much I ‘know’ (a very relative term) there is more to experience and be and evolve into. This spiritual journey is so full and rich and ever filled with mystery and newness.

That’s one of the main reasons I decided to enter into a two-year Spiritual Director training at this point in my life. I’ve done a lot of work, taken and facilitated innumerable workshops and classes, read many books and given many talks, done my best to put what I learn into practice in everyday life, and there’s still more to learn, more ways I can be of service.

I think it’s important to keep learning, to stay open to other ways of perceiving and being in life and to follow our hearts. At this stage it isn’t about how can I make a living? It’s about how can I enhance this experience of life? What gives me joy? How can I serve Love? What feeds my soul and at the same time enhances the lives of others?

We are creative beings, and we all have our own way of expressing that creativity. What we love is what we came here to be and do, no matter how far and wide we may have wandered from it and no matter where we are in the continuum of this physical life.

Is there something in your heart that you haven’t fully committed to or that you’ve talked yourself out of or limited in some way? Is there a step you can take toward being more fully engaged in what you love?

Today is a good day to live and to shine your light!
