The gifts of spirit just keep coming. I just found out I can pay my tuition for the Spiritual Director training in Canadian funds rather than US. It’s a rather large difference which I actually didn’t expect to get. I am so, so grateful!
I have to admit I feel blessed in so many ways it’s impossible to really count. Every day feels like a blessing these days and I have to tell you, that is not how I have always felt by any stretch. Things come up of course but using this letting go process and continually surrendering almost feels miraculous. I know however that it is actually the Law of Consciousness at work. The more I let go of my positions, my limited thinking, my fears, guilt, shame and doubt the more joy, love and peace I feel and the more the Universe responds to whatever I hold in mind.
I learned long ago that this was how it worked but to be honest, I was still holding on to so many limited ideas and subconscious guilt that I was not fully experiencing the impact of truly letting go and surrendering. The more I work with it though and the more my intentions are clear, the more blessings just seem to flow. No, it hasn’t happened over night and there’s still plenty of letting go to do but I am clear, this is the path for me!