There are so many different kinds of beautiful. This picture is of fireweed in the fall. This summer it had beautiful purple flowers. In the final analysis whatever is going on it can be seen and beautiful or ugly or something in between.

I’ve noticed that the more I can be present to whatever I am doing or seeing without opinion or commentary (not the normal way of seeing for me I must say) the more I can simply appreciate it without having to categorize it like I did with the fireweed just now. That’s true of people or things.

There is such a strong tendency to decide if something is good or bad, beautiful or ugly, right or wrong. All these ‘ors’ that maybe help us make sense of life and structure it for some sense of order or safety but there comes a time when I am invited to just be with what is without classifying it. It’s a skill I’m just learning but every time I do let go of what I think about something I am blessed with a sense of freedom. I can relax more and just let life flow through me as it will. I know this isn’t possible or even desirable all the time but those precious moments of just being are truly ‘pearls of great price’.
