What inspires you? A walk in nature, an idea shared, quiet times of meditation, listening deeply to Inner Being, lighting a candle, seeing others expressing their creative genius, words of appreciation and encouragement, an insightful movie or documentary? All of the above, or none?

I am inspired by the resilience I see in people who have gone through the fires of life and found a way to bless others. I think of Viktor Frankl who wrote the little book Man’s Search for Meaning. His life and that book have inspired me over and over even though it’s been a while since I last read it. Going through hell and finding meaning through situations that so many succumbed to inspires me to live my life with meaning and purpose.

Whether we experience great tragedy or not, living a life of meaning is available to us all. It’s a matter of choice and intention and exploration and listening to our inner promptings over all the noise and hustle and bustle of daily life. I have come to realize that a meaningful life isn’t about acquiring as much as we can but rather it’s about giving whatever it is that’s ours to give from the heart. Not because that’s what we’re ‘supposed’ to do or that’s what a ‘good’ person would do or that we are obligated to in some way, but because it’s in our heart to do and it feels so good!

It doesn’t matter if what we are giving is tangible or intangible, if anyone knows about it or not; what matters is that it is meaningful to us. This kind of giving is reward unto itself though it asks for no reward. It is full of joy and gratitude and life! It doesn’t have to cost us anything other than the price of letting go of our limited thoughts about the value of what we want to give not being enough.

Contrary to popular belief, we are enough and what we have to give is enough. I am constantly growing in awareness of that as I continue to centre my attention on the Infinite Nature of our Divine Identity.
