There’s a delicious tiredness in my bones this afternoon. I did the laundry and walked to the grocery store to pick up a few things and now I am ready to totally relax and let
Creative Flow
The last day of summer and what a lovely day it is! After writing about creativity yesterday, it seems the creative bug is still with me today. As I was journaling this morning, I started
We had a bit of a fun discussion at my book club today around creativity and what it is. I think it’s so much a part of us that we often don’t even recognize it.
First Things First
Love flowing through the heart centre. I can actually feel it; it truly is Divine. I can sense the light photons radiating out of the heart whenever I focus there with the intention of letting
Being Real
My heart is kind of heavy this afternoon. Not sure exactly why; seem to be feeling all the fear, sadness, grief, turmoil, anger, confusion all around me. Great opportunity to focus some love on it
Friday, the start of the weekend and that means absolutely nothing to me anymore. Funny how as circumstances change what was important to us at one time just doesn’t have the same effect anymore. I
Let’s take a deep breath together… More changes and disruptions, more fear, more coming face to face with the unknown. As I’ve said before, I’m very blessed to be minimally affected by the new emergency
My question of the moment: What is the most important thing I could share today? The answer (as always), Love. Ok, next question: What is the most important thing I can write today? It’s never
Source First
What can I say? I’m feeling quite defeated with trying to download and install an app I need for my upcoming course. I am actually pretty good with this kind of thing, but I have
Healing Update
Update on the Healing post from the other day. I was talking about the issue that was causing me to snore for the past while for which I opened myself to healing Grace. I mentioned
Remembering and Responding
So many remembering that fateful day in 2001 when so much changed in our world. I certainly remember it well and like most people, my heart still goes out to all those who were so
A couple of things came up for me today. I have a bit of a physical issue that isn’t serious at all, but it does cause some discomfort not only to me but to my
Christmas with Meaning
Two days until Christmas and not a lot is happening because we don’t do much more than one or two jobs a day. The joys of being retired! We love it! There is some cleaning
Winter Solstice Musings
Let us fully engage in the darkness of this day Let us embrace the light that shines through And let us rejoice for we are blessed to be here Now, in this time and place,
Christmas Joy
One week till Christmas and all through the house there are lots of decorations, but you’d be hard pressed to find gifts. That’s because we don’t buy gifts anymore, at least not many and not
Winter Wonderland
Wow! What else can I say about our beautiful world today? It’s gently snowing, -20C and absolutely stunning. I have to admit I’m grateful I don’t have to drive around in it but walking around
Let It Be
Funny, I just don’t feel much like blogging these days. Not sure why exactly but I’ve just been going with it. That’s kind of my motto these days, whatever is going on inside me, just
Loss and Grief
I’m in a different kind of space today. Found out this morning that a neighbour died this week. Totally unexpected heart attack. We only knew him to chat as we went by each other on