
Personality and Individuality

August 2nd, 2021|0 Comments

I’ve been thinking a lot about personality and individuality for some reason. I was reminded of the difference between the two when I was leading a metaphysics class a couple of weeks ago and it

Out of the Emptiness

August 1st, 2021|0 Comments

I have nothing to say. So why am I here? I made a commitment to myself to spend more time doing what I love and writing about things spiritual, and our Divine Potential is a


July 31st, 2021|0 Comments

Wow, thinking about values yesterday and I woke up this morning from some very strange dreams with people from my past; back when my values were very different. The dream was one thing, then there


July 30th, 2021|0 Comments

Values. We all have them but how conscious are they? I have to admit, it isn’t something I think about a lot but I’m getting ready to do a talk this Sunday and the topic

The Great Mystery

July 29th, 2021|0 Comments

I had a great conversation with friends today and the topic of what comes after this life came up. Ah, don’t we have a hankering to know what happens once we depart these bodies? There


July 28th, 2021|0 Comments

What can I contribute to the world today? Love, always let it be love, regardless of the topic, let love be what shines through. Let the form come from the intention to be Love. We

Dealing with Fungus

July 27th, 2021|0 Comments

There’s a Mayday tree outside my office window. I love that tree. I love watching its sun dappled leaves fluttering in the breeze the way they are right now; I love watching the leaves turn

Journey of Light

July 26th, 2021|0 Comments

  As I was meditating this morning, I went of a bit of a journey seeing everything from the perspective of the light. It was joyful and peaceful and light filled so I recorded a

The Mirror

July 25th, 2021|0 Comments

When all else fails, surrender. I remember one of my favourite teachers saying that at a talk he was giving many years ago. Then he said something like, ‘or you could just surrender in the

Musings On Karma

July 24th, 2021|0 Comments

I’ve been thinking about karma of late. I read a quote from David Hawkins, one of my favourite spiritual teachers, where he said the ego is our karma. For some reason that really stuck with


July 23rd, 2021|0 Comments

I have some resistance to writing today for some reason. “Don’t have anything to say, blah, blah, blah”. Resistance shows up in so many creative ways it’s easy to be fooled into thinking it’s legitimate,

Rising Above

July 22nd, 2021|0 Comments

Pandemics, wildfires, droughts, floods, anxiety about the future, changes on every level it seems. Where does it end? All these things that are so out of our control yet we spend so much time and

Innate Goodness

It has been a full and rich couple of days for me. Connecting and celebrating with friends yesterday and lots of reflection today, especially in this morning’s journaling. I made a commitment to myself a

By |November 4th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments


I sometimes wonder where the line is as to what I should share or not share in a group, especially ‘spiritual’ groups. I’ll be honest, I swear. I actually like the expressiveness of swearing sometimes.

By |November 1st, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments


What a fabulous day. Had a great information session with those who joined in to learn more about Sacred Soul Circles. It is encouraging and refreshing to see so many with the desire to be

By |October 30th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Prime Time

Friday afternoon and the living is good, well except for not being able to sleep last night. Who knows why on occasion there is no way this body is going to go to sleep at

By |October 29th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments


Spent time today finishing my reading for tonight’s class and getting grounded and ready for Saturday’s info session on Sacred Soul Circles for Spiritual Social Action. The two actually go hand in hand and I

By |October 28th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments
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