What can I contribute to the world today? Love, always let it be love, regardless of the topic, let love be what shines through. Let the form come from the intention to be Love.
We can get so caught up in what or how we can contribute that we can sometimes forget it is really the intention that makes all the difference. If my intention is to fix someone or to make myself feel better and assuage feelings of guilt, then I suspect the impact isn’t near as powerful as if I do what I do out of Love. I’ve done things for a lot of unconscious reasons in my lifetime, we all do I’m sure, and it was often only afterward when I felt disappointed or dissatisfied, like I didn’t do enough, that I even began to realize I had some kind of agenda in my giving.
That’s ok, it’s part of the evolution of consciousness; we learn what works by doing what doesn’t, at least that’s been one of my great teachers in life. No point making myself wrong or bad about it either, it’s just another point of awareness that reminds me about what’s really important to me. It’s about being in alignment with my soul. Doing things out of fear or guilt or because I don’t see the divinity in others means that I am out of touch with my own divine nature. And that is telling me to regroup, get quiet and get in sync.
Even though I journal, meditate and pray every day, that doesn’t mean I don’t get out of sync. It can happen when those things I do regularly become rote. I may be going through a dry spell, which happens to us all at times, or it may mean I need to change something in my routine to make it fresh and meaningful again, or it may be that I have been indulging in some kind of limited thinking when I wasn’t busy journaling, meditating and praying. There isn’t one answer, just awareness and the willingness to get back in sync. When I surrender it all to Source, there’s always something that shows up to guide me back.
Life truly is a wonder.