I give my pen to You Beloved… Peace be still. All is well. I am with you always no matter what you choose or what may befall you. You choose, however, where you will be, with me or not. It is your experience you are determining, my love for you is constant. I love you right where you are with all your imagined shortcomings.
Yes, the metaphor of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil is an accurate one. It is when you compare and judge that you experience suffering and pain. That is just one tree. Then there is the tree of Life whose fruit is love and peace. Will you eat of this fruit, the fruit of forgiveness, acceptance and surrender? It is here in the garden as well. You choose.
What makes the tree of knowledge of good and evil so attractive? The illusion that you can go it alone, that knowing good and evil give you power, except it does not. It takes away the true power of Life. It eats away at you rather than nourishing you. Life choices are always nourishing, always abundant and generous in nature. The other promises control but cannot deliver. This fruit is in your system however, so it must be allowed to work its way through and be released one choice at a time.
Yes, it is a vast garden, but you are not alone as you navigate it. Be at peace with what is. I am here. Amen.