As we begin this New Year, I’d like to share a new vision for my life that come up in my musings during this morning’s journaling.

What would it be like to truly be free to be fully me, the authentic me that is here to serve love, serve the highest good for all?

I have been selfish, more concerned much of the time with my own well being but I realize now that I need not be any longer. I know I am so fully and infinitely loved by Source/Creator that I don’t have to worry about myself. Jesus tried to assure us of this but I couldn’t understand what he was really saying, I was too fearful and wounded. Ah, there needs to be a certain amount of healing of those soul wounds before we can actually see how loved we are.

All those layers of protection helped me survive, I am grateful for that. What they could not do however, was heal the wounds, only Love can do that. Attention with tenderness and love is needed, not more disguises. So Nafs (the survivor self), you still have a very important job, to guard against ideas that would separate us from Love and our Divine Nature. You need to remind me  that we are alright and our job is to be in the flow of Love when I drift into old patterns of protection.

No longer a fortress that is dark, cold and damp but rather an Ark that is full of light and love, that moves easily with the currents and tides of Life even during floods. It isn’t all closed in, this Ark, it is open to the light and the guidance we need to move freely yet safely. The captain is the Heart and all the players are on board, Nafs (the Survivor), Soul (the Seeker), Spirit (the Visionary) and Heart (the Harmonizer). It is more of a consensus type of leadership that takes into consideration the needs and desires of all the players. Now we are sailors on the sea of Life, no longer anchored on the shore of the past, we are on an adventure and we are full of curiosity, wonder, fellowship and joy. The possibilities are endless yet we are flowing with the currents of the tides that are right for us rather than fighting or trying to control them.

This is truly an Ark, not a cruise ship. It has a different purpose, not a set route but an exploratory one. It isn’t about returning over and over to the same ports but setting out to see where we might land for a time before moving on. We know all is temporary so we rely on the wind, the currents of love to take us where we might be needed or where we are meant to be at any given moment. We are now Time Beings, grounded in Deep Time rather than the linear, short sighted time of the world. Our fellow travelers are all traveling in their own time and on their own journey though we may come together occasionally and connect.

There is something far greater than these individual personalities keeping us afloat and heading in the right direction. We trust that and we do our part. In the silence of Presence all is revealed as it is needed. Deep Time, Deep Trust, Deep Love, Deep Faith. All is unfolding as it must.

Yes, freedom is ours here on the Ark of this New Covenant as we turn to Source and allow all the players to be.

Such is my musing for today. It is a powerful image for me to grow into and I am grateful to be starting this New Year with it.

