I’ve been thinking a lot about personality and individuality for some reason. I was reminded of the difference between the two when I was leading a metaphysics class a couple of weeks ago and it has really stayed with me.
I often use the words personality and ego interchangeably because they denote a sense of separateness, the concept of who we are as well as being the drive to survive we all have when we incarnate in a body. We generally confuse who we think we are with our true self which is what individuality refers to; being an individualized expression of Consciousness, not separate but at one with Source and with all of creation.
Both the personality and individuality have unique characteristics, but the latter is the way we express our divinity guided by Source whereas the former is unaware of our eternal connectedness and believes it must survive at all costs as a separate entity. The priorities are actually quite different for each aspect as well; the personality wants to be right, wants its own way and thinks it should be in control of the world while our individuality wants to connect, wants what is right and knows it is not in control but rather aligns with Life as it is unfolding.
Our uniqueness doesn’t mean aloneness or that we are separate, it represents the diversity of Consciousness expressing yet working together in weaving this magnificent tapestry of life. Remembering I am part of the whole doesn’t mean I am here to conform be rather to be what I am as I bring my distinct perspective to the world.
Having been caught up in the illusion of personality for so much of my life, it doesn’t take long to recognize when I’ve slipped into the old patterns of separation thinking because I have something to contrast it with as I have focussed more on individuality in recent years. Then it’s the same process again and again, feel it with compassion, let it go and surrender to Source.
Reminds me of that old Alka Seltzer commercial, ‘Plop, plop, fizz, fizz oh what a relief it is.’