I suspect there may be some people wondering why I get into all this nitty gritty about life. It does seem a little goofy on the face of it, why not just go to the beach?
Good question, even if I do ask it myself… I made a commitment to myself some time ago to be a radiant centre of divine love and compassion. That is my purpose, my vision, my commitment to life after many years of bouncing around with only limited clarity as to what I’m really about.
Every aspect of the journey that brought me to that commitment has been essential in the process of realizing what I really want to be when I grow up. We often gain clarity as much or more from the things that don’t work as the things that do; from the challenges as from than the ease; from the pain as from the pleasure. I’ve had lots of fun times, lots of sad times, lots of lost times and lots or enlightening times. Looking back, it was all in perfect Divine Order and I am grateful for every moment.
What is also perfect is that through it all I accumulated lots of baggage, laboured under lots of illusions and made many assumptions that are not in alignment with my vision and commitment. We all do have our own unique ‘collections’, but what happens when that kind of commitment is made is that we can no longer carry those bags, be fooled by the illusions or be satisfied with the assumptions. Because so much of it is unconscious, it can catch us by surprise even though when we really let ourselves think about it, it isn’t really all that much of a surprise, we kind of knew but didn’t know we could do anything about it or we just didn’t bother delving into it, too painful.
To be honest, the uncovering process started some 30 years ago for me, and it is ongoing because that’s how it is, some of these things run deep and I have touched into many aspects before and there have been many periods of grace after major clearings and then I go deep diving again. Believe it of not, this is what I call fun. Some go skydiving, scuba diving, trekking, get into sports for their fun but for me this is the most rewarding and fantastic activity I have ever engaged in.
So that’s the long and the short of it as to why I do what I do and share it with you. My hope is that it in some way blesses you so that you don’t feel so alone when challenges arise on your journey and maybe you can glean some ideas for new ways to meet them. If not, may it at least be somewhat entertaining!