Whom do you serve? Actually, the question is more, what do you serve?

A phrase from the Book of Joshua often comes up in my mind where he says, ‘As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.’ I realized some time back that we serve some idea or other all the time. At times it can be a fearful idea, or the idea we call Love or the idea of being right at all costs, or the idea of money or fame or power or someone we admire (or hate) or kindness or some manufactured belief system be it religious or secular. People go to war over ideas and people make peace over ideas. Just go through your Facebook feed or observe a conversation with a group of people and see if you can spot what idea is being served by what is being said.

When I decided my vision was to be a radiant centre of divine love and compassion, what came with that is the idea I intend to serve which is Love. It’s an idea I am growing into which is what makes ideas so powerful, we may get the concept of an idea seemingly out of the blue but if we choose to embrace it and make it real then we are sending an invitation out to the Universe to give us exactly what we need in order to grow into it. That’s what I talk about most of the time in this blog, the ways the Universe is helping me see where I’m out of alignment with that idea and the ways I am in alignment. It’s really a beautiful process and I am always a little bit in awe of how it works to help me embody ideas, whatever they may be.

The Universe is always saying yes based on where we are in consciousness. I have often seen or heard people talk about unanswered prayer as though there were some entity out there deciding if we should get what we want or not. I grew up thinking that way, but it just doesn’t fit the evidence. The Universe appears to be set up to respond to energy and vibration so there’s no room for no in that. The only ‘no’ is in our own consciousness when we are holding some unconscious idea that is in conflict with what we are praying for. i.e. praying for peace when we are fearful and conflicted in our thinking. Prayer isn’t magic even though it may seem that way at times. Miracles aren’t events happening outside the laws of consciousness but rather having a consciousness that is open to what is possible when we let go and surrender to the Divine. That of course, is Grace, that unconditional love which is always present, always waiting just on the other side our limited thinking.

We are all ideas coming from the original Divine Idea called humanity and the Universe is designed for us to embody and manifest every kind of Divine Idea at every level of consciousness. Ideas begetting ideas. We just need to learn how to play the game.

So, what idea do you choose to serve?
