Listening to and watching the wind blow today reminds me of winds of change; how life comes along and seems to blow us around at times. It can feel pretty rough for a while but as in nature where the wind blows all manner of seeds about to take root in new places, sometimes we need a little shake up for new ideas to be able to take root in our consciousness. It’s lovely having quiet, stable times where not a lot happens but we can get kind of complacent there too, letting life pass us by.

I sometimes wonder about that these days. I am doing less ‘out there’ but there’s certainly lots happening within. I spend a lot more time in service through prayer and in one-on-one interactions as well as in speaking occasionally and writing than I do helping on the physical level. We place so much value on ‘doing’ in our culture that it can feel a little odd serving more through being. And when you have old paradigms of ‘not enoughness’ as part of your personality surfacing now and then, it can certainly be challenging to fully embrace the sense of sufficiency.

As always, it’s perfect though. When those wonderings come up about am I ‘doing’ enough, there’s an opportunity to gracefully let it go and surrender into the beingness of enoughness, the Infinite Divine Self. There is never any question from that perspective because it is the awareness of All Sufficiency, of Wholeness, of Love. Here the winds that blow on the surface of life have no impact because it is the solid footing on which a purposeful and fulfilling life is built. It isn’t about hanging on to the way it used to be or to the people that have been part of our lives, it’s about returning to our True Home again and again after foraging about in the physical world having our experiences and expressing our creativity.

The beauty of returning often to this place through meditation and those mini-meditations I’ve talked about is that after a while I just have to stop and shift my focus inward and I’m there. I even notice that I am more aware of this place of stillness when I’m doing things too. It’s never gone, I’m just not always paying attention.

Could this be the peace that passes understanding Jesus was talking about?
