I read an article in Unity Magazine this morning by a minister in the US who happens to be black. He was writing about spiritual bypass and white privilege. I have to admit it was thought provoking to say the least.

It’s easy to take a ‘spiritual’ stand in life to dismiss painful and uncomfortable issues. I’ve talked about this often over the years because I see it as more prevalent than we would like to think. For instance, I see life as perfect in this moment but what does that mean? To me it means that where I am is the perfect reflection of the level consciousness I am at. If I look honestly, I can see where my thinking, my beliefs and feelings have brought me to this particular view on life. If I’m not happy about it, it isn’t punishment or judgment or life being against me, it is the perfect working of the laws of consciousness.

In this perfect moment I get to decide how I’m going to perceive life and where I go from here. Is there something I need to tell myself the truth about? Is it time to make a shift from a personal point of view to a spiritual one? Is there something I need to release? Is there something I need to take hold of? Is there some action I am being called to take? If so, where is that action coming from fear, anger or hate or, is it from wisdom and love?

Viewing this moment as being perfect doesn’t mean that everything is all sweet and rosy and there’s nothing for me to do, that’s spiritual bypass; it means I am in the perfect place to be and to choose the action that will either bring about the highest good, taking into consideration our Oneness, or to maintain concepts of duality and separation, making it all about me. I may be informed by the world but in the end, if I’m going to be true to Self, I need to be deeply honest and take responsibility for the energy I bring to this world. There isn’t anyone who can do this for me.

We are part of collective consciousness. That means that what we are, what we think, say and do matters. It may not seem so sometimes, but we make a difference. What kind of difference do you want to make in this perfect moment?
