A couple of things came up for me today. I have a bit of a physical issue that isn’t serious at all, but it does cause some discomfort not only to me but to my beloved because it causes me to snore. I have been dealing with the issue of snoring for several years now and have tried a number of things that work temporarily but it seems to come up again with a slightly different cause. The current one has been going on for a few months now and I would dearly love to clear it up.

So, as I was getting up this morning I had the thought, ‘what do I need to do to heal this?’ And the next thought was, ‘oh so you think you’re the one who does the healing do you?’. Oops, caught red-handed trying to be in control and take credit for doing something that I personally do not do; as far as I can tell, I can cooperate and create conditions conducive to healing through thought, feeling, prayer and surrender but in the end, that which does the healing is the Infinite aspect of Being, not me personally. I was reminded of the words of Jesus where he said “The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (John 14:10). What Jesus called the Father I see as Source, Infinite Being who is always at work in and through each one of us.

It’s tricky business sometimes sorting through the personal and the Divine. It is all one yet there is a very different energy when I am in my ‘personal’ head space and when I am in Divine Being space. Personally, it is for me to let go of my resistance and allow the healing Grace of the Divine to do what it will with, to and through me as I focus on Wholeness, Life and Wellbeing.

Then as I was journaling a bit later and there were revealed a number of subtle, hidden ideas steeped in guilt and shame even though they are really quite inconsequential in and of themselves. It is because I have some guilt and shame around some petty jealousies, fears, judgments and such (basically the human condition) that they go into hiding. Then other words attributed to Jesus came into my awareness. ‘For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.’ (Luke 8:17) I suspect it’s all related and I am grateful for the healing that comes from bringing even the most minor of guilty or shameful thoughts to the Light.
