So many remembering that fateful day in 2001 when so much changed in our world. I certainly remember it well and like most people, my heart still goes out to all those who were so deeply affected by the events of that day.

My heart also goes out to all those other innocent people whose lives changed so drastically afterward from the retaliation which has had a huge impact on a lot more people. It’s a powerful reminder that getting revenge doesn’t end up well for anyone involved. We all lose. I personally have come to realize that I am much better off not only forgiving but having compassion and understanding for those who would do harm. I suspect that won’t be a very popular notion when applied to ‘terrorists’ but I am also aware that to others, the West is the terrorist who has interfered and caused great harm to many as well.

I definitely do not condone acts of terrorism in any way but to be honest, I get it. I get why people act out of frustration and anger and hatred on both sides of any given coin. I’ve seen it at play in relationships in all kinds of ways and it is never pretty or effective. Where is the love, peace or joy in getting ‘even’? Well, I guess that may not be everyone’s goal but it sure is mine so the choices I make need to be grounded in that, no matter what happens. I have been very blessed in my life that I haven’t had some of the extreme situations others have faced but I also know that there are those who have been unbelievably harmed who chose love over hatred or revenge. I think I’ll follow their example…
