Love flowing through the heart centre. I can actually feel it; it truly is Divine. I can sense the light photons radiating out of the heart whenever I focus there with the intention of letting Divine Love flow through me.

I don’t have anything much to add today after my talk at Unity (will be posting it on Facebook when they put it up). It was all about ‘Putting First Things First’ which to me means letting go and focussing on Source/Divine Nature instead of trying to do everything from my personality/ego. It’s what Emmet Fox wrote about in the Golden Key. It’s what I believe Jesus was talking about when he said, ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you’. He had been talking about not being anxious about all the things we tend to worry about in day-to-day life. I realize now it was his prescription for anxiety. Boy, can we use it now in our anxiety ridden world!

Organizing our lives around the Divine rather than our human concerns seems such a logical thing to me and I do it more and more all the time, but I’ve still got lots of work to do. Thank goodness for the tools I have both in spiritual abilities and in the teachings of those who have shown us how to feel and let go and surrender.

I am so grateful!
