This picture is from our walk today. I finally remembered to bring my phone so I could take pictures; I usually leave it at home. We tend to walk the same circuit every day and I have to say it’s really quite wonderful to be part of the changing seasons and enjoy each one’s beauty. Autumn is my favourite of course.

It brings to mind the gentleness and beauty of letting go and that there comes a time for reaping the harvest of seeds planted. Sometimes we do our inner work and not a lot seems to change then all of a sudden everything is different, there’s a new magnificence to life and a new gentleness and appreciation. There’s a new level of quietness in the mind and heart as the old ways fall away.

That’s why it’s so important not to give up when we’ve embarked on a Soul Journey (whatever that may look like for us) and it appears as though nothing much is happening. If we’ve been planting seeds then the season for harvest may well be just around the corner, or perhaps it’s here but we don’t at first recognize it. Or it could be that we are having a plateau experience, again, not a time to give up but rather to dig deeper and rededicate ourselves to whatever path we have chosen for our lives.

Maybe we need a little support, encouragement, a different understanding of what is going on. It’s important to have someone who will remind us when we forget who and what we are. I have people like that in my life and I truly appreciate them; I hope you do too.
