Today’s reading has been on forgiveness. A hot topic at the best of times and a very important part of the human journey. It has been a big part of my life for many years, and I have to say I am very grateful for the process itself and for the freedom it provides.

At this point on the path of life, I wonder what I have not yet forgiven. I don’t have the tendency to blame others for what they do, I get it, it’s not about me and I don’t tend to blame myself the way I used to because even though what I think, say and do is about me, I can see the innocence behind the things I am not very proud of.

This morning in my meditation time I started with taking the thing that I find most challenging, or at least one of them, which is the thought habit of being somewhat judgmental, picking at little things that really don’t matter but have the effect of creating separation. That seems to be its only real purpose and I get it, ego likes to hang on to its perceptions.

I have gotten pretty good at letting the thoughts go but this morning I started with imagining I was holding this habit in my hand and asking to have it taken away from me. Then the next thought was, ‘not my will but Thine be done’. Jesus’ words in the Garden of Gethsemane came in a flash and I could see that it wasn’t about having it taken away but about having the humility to grow through it, to learn from it and to surrender to the Divine to be shown the way.

I suppose one might say that is a form of forgiveness, albeit not the way I usually think of it. But then who ever said I had it all figured out…
