Welcome to our winter wonderland. John and I went for our walk this afternoon and found ourselves slogging through a foot of snow and more on our usual trail before finally coming to some cleared sidewalks but by that time we were pretty darn exhausted, so we cut it a bit short even though we were out there longer than usual and had to work a whole lot harder. It was refreshing and good for us and we are both so very grateful we didn’t have to be out there driving today.
This morning’s journaling was a revealing exploration on what the idea that our Divine Nature is all inclusive might mean in my life. The idea had come to me in one of my regular prayer calls yesterday and my commitment was to wonder about the implications of looking at all aspects of my being and my life as expressions Divine Nature instead of seeing it as something other than my human nature. It’s easy to talk about Oneness but there’s also a tendency to see the human condition as separate. As I journaled, I wondered what it would be like to listen to my own thoughts the way we are learning to listen to each other in our Sacred Soul Circles with reverence, honouring each person’s sharing. Imagining listening to myself from the soul rather than the critic… Here is some of what I wrote:
There is space in the soul for all of me, there is nothing to reject or dismiss but there are things to learn, especially when I ask myself open, honest questions and am truly willing to see and understand what the thoughts are really about. I don’t think there is evil intent in even the darkest thought, but I need to wonder about and understand more of what the true intentions might be instead of jumping to conclusions. Being so quick to dismiss those thoughts I don’t like, the jealous ones, the critical ones, the resentful or angry ones, the comparisons, the scared ones. What if I listened to them with reverence and acceptance and honour and gratitude for what they are trying to do instead of despising them? What if I was more curious about what’s behind my reactions? The possibilities are endless, and I can feel the soul rejoicing at the opening this is creating. It is touching into a deep need and longing. To treat all of myself and others with reverence…Imagine…