I was quite disturbed yesterday when I read about what David Suzuki had said about climate change. While he did not overtly sanction or call for terrorist acts, in our current volatile climate it sure could be construed that way by some who are already on the edge.
I felt saddened, disappointed, afraid and pretty helpless as I sat with what was coming up for me around it all. I understand Suzuki’s frustration, he’s been trying to get people to pay attention to what is going on with the environment for a long time and has had minimal response from the powers that be. That does not make it ok to virtually incite violence.
There is so much frustration on every level with the current state of the world and it’s been easy for a lot of people to target the oil industry, in particular the oil industry in Alberta. The problem I see is that we are scapegoating and pointing at symptoms but not actually dealing with the real issues.
Like a growing number of people, I suspect the biggest issue we are facing, that we don’t want to talk about, is our growing population. I have long felt this was the real issue and I remember when I read Dan Brown’s book Inferno, I felt like someone was finally speaking up in his own way. I few people mention it but really, I am not aware of any major conversation about it at the higher levels of government which is where we need to have the conversation going on. Perhaps it is behind closed doors because it is such an unpopular topic, but we need to start going mainstream with this so that we can even begin to look at possible ways of approaching the growing problem.
I do not pretend to have any solutions here; I just feel compelled to come out of my little closet about it. This issue weighs heavy on my heart, especially since it is such a challenging area with no easy answers. But does that mean we pretend it isn’t here, very real and present in our world?
That is a tendency I’m afraid I, like many others, have when faced with seemingly impossible situations, I want to turn away, ignore it and hope somebody does something about it. As I open to what the Soul wants to express more and more, particularly through the Sacred Soul Circles, I find that I cannot remain silent and pretend any more. It is my intention to keep opening to what is possible, joining with others who are feeling the same way.
I strongly believe that for every ‘problem’ there are divine ideas waiting to be brought into manifestation. It may not happen very quickly and that’s ok, but I will no longer turn my back on the issue just because I don’t have the answers. Mine is to keep going deeper, keep listening with an open mind and heart and allowing Soul/Source to show the way.