A new year begins and there is much to be grateful for about the one that is ending. I know it hasn’t been easy for a lot of people, there has been much loss, frustration and uncertainty and my heart goes out to all who have had a hard time of it.

I have to be honest however and say that it has been one of the best years of my life. It has been a time of change and transformation and slowing down which has brought me to a much richer experience of every moment than I ever had when I was busy and out there doing, doing, doing. I had some good times then too, but they weren’t as connected and grounded because I was too busy rushing around looking for what was right here all along, the Love that is the very ground of Being. I had to slow down to fully receive and embody that one and it’s an ongoing process.

Suffice it to say that all the times of challenge and frustration and unhappiness that I have experienced were important steppingstones for what I am experiencing now. I know people like to say ‘don’t look back’ but if I hadn’t spent all that time looking back and doing the healing work that I needed to do, I would not be feeling the kind of gratitude and love I feel today toward the very people and events that I once saw as negative and painful.

I agree, dwelling in the past and replaying events over and over isn’t helpful if we don’t have the intention of bringing new light to the pain and suffering we have experienced. We really do have to go through the pain no matter how old it may be to get to the other side which is where our souls await our attention to give us the love and guidance we need to live the life we most want to live.

It has taken me a lifetime to be able to feel true gratitude and joy for everything that has transpired in my life. As hard as it was at times, all the work and the going back and feeling and asking for healing is more than worth it because it has brought me the freedom I have always longed for to be able to love without limit. I may be just touching the tip of this experience, but I have great faith and trust in the endless nature of Divine Love and the capacity we have in our humanness to transcend whatever beliefs or experiences we may encounter that would limit us in our ability to be creative, to love and to fully enjoy life no matter what it looks like on the outside. After all, it really is an inside job.

May love and blessings abound for us all as we begin this new year full of opportunity to be who we most want to be!
