Life just keeps getting more and more interesting these days. The frustration, divisiveness, anger and fear are bubbling over for some, and I can certainly understand that. We are in a bizarre situation with no easy answers.

I am not about to take sides here in this blog even though I do have my opinions for what that’s worth. I’m here to express understanding, acceptance and oneness with everyone on all sides of whatever argument is being played out in our country and indeed in much of the world.

I am aware that for every idea there is what seems to be an opposite idea. It’s like a spectrum that goes from one end to the other in degrees. Where growth/transformation happens is when we can contain the full spectrum in consciousness without having to be in a state of conflict; it all simply exists, and I don’t have to resist any part of it. I make choices based on the level of consciousness I am at and the more aware I become the more I can bring love into it all, whether I agree with an idea or not.

Ideas are ideas, they have no power other than the power we give them. We are, however, part of the consciousness of all humanity, we are not as independent as we may like to think we are. As far as I can tell or at least what I choose to believe is that I am always contributing to this consciousness so it’s up to me to decide what kind of energy I am going to participate with. I have no answers, I do, however, have love and that’s what I choose to contribute to the best of my ability. When I find myself falling into the morass of fear and negative thinking, I pick myself up again and remember who I am and that my choice is to let the love of the Divine flow through me.

I also know that sooner or later there is resolution for every situation and so I will hold that idea in mind as well.
