It’s the Saturday before Easter, that in-between time meant for the activity of Spirit to do what it does after we’ve done what we need to do to effect change.
I wonder if we really get just how important this in-between time is… We tend to want to rush from one thing to the next, not allowing for the space we need for change to take hold. We have such an instant culture I personally find it hard to wait, but I’m learning.
Today is a powerful symbolic reminder that we don’t do it all ourselves; in fact, there are some things we simply cannot do, we need to surrender to that which is greater, what is often called the Holy Spirit, at some point in the journey, or several points really, if we are serious about living from the True Self.
Karen Drucker, one of my favourite New Thought singer/songwriters, has a song I only discovered a few months ago and have been using to start the Sacred Soul Circles called ‘Morning Prayer, I Will Surrender’. It speaks so well to this process of surrender I thought I’d share it with you here. Enjoy.
A very Happy Easter to you all.