It probably doesn’t really feel like much of a brave new world right now. We’re in the space in between what was and what is to be with very little knowledge of where we’re going. That is the grieving experience and it is part of the global phenomenon we find ourselves in at the moment.
For some the change is fairly minor and for others it’s all encompassing. For some things have gotten very quiet and then there are those who feel overwhelmed with work and activities they had not previously been engaged in such as home schooling while maintaining a job. There may be financial challenges that we were not prepared for and there a health concerns that make us actually fearful of one another at times.
Even though life for me is quite different, I am fortunate not to be dealing with pressing and urgent concerns. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel waves grief and fear at times, if for no other reason than that I am part of the collective consciousness on this planet, I have learned however to be present to the feelings and thoughts that arise and to let them go into the heart of the Universe from whence they came. What a gift learning to do this has been!
The upside of this practice is that nothing stays very long because I’m not hanging on to it and I don’t have to wait for the global situation to change before I enter this Brave New World; I’ve decided to already be in it!
Whether I’m grieving or celebrating it’s all life flowing through me and it’s happening right here and right now so there’s nothing to wait for. Here is where I choose to be because this is where life is. To quote the Borg, ‘Resistance is futile’. Never were truer words spoken. Resisting the experience I am having in the moment thinking it shouldn’t be this way has proven to be a massive waste of time and energy and I’ve wasted plenty of it in my time here. So I’m choosing to be here with my resistance and defenses down and my curiosity and acceptance up. Every moment is ripe for experiencing and I’ve decided to say yes and keep surrendering. I admit it is a choice I have to make over and over but that’s ok too. I have to brush my teeth every morning if I don’t care to keep a bad taste in my mouth so I can also choose every day to surrender and be present to the moment so life is fresh and new even in sameness.
It’s a Brave New World and I am Grateful I get to play in it!