I had a great conversation with friends today and the topic of what comes after this life came up. Ah, don’t we have a hankering to know what happens once we depart these bodies? There seems to be a lot of concern about what comes next while we’re still in these bodies too! I’ve certain had my fair share of fears about it all.

I suspect there are a number of reasons for that. Ideas like, if I know what’s going to happen I can be ready, if I know what comes next I won’t be so afraid, if I know what’s coming I can somehow control it. I’m sure there are a lot of other ideas behind this need to know as well.

Here’s the thing, we don’t know for sure and never will know what’s going to happen tomorrow, the next day or after this body expires; in truth no one does. There’s a ton of speculation and there are many who have decided they know, and they are only too happy to convince us of their point of view but, sorry folks, I’m not buying it. I like certain ideas, like reincarnation, but even if that is so I don’t really know exactly how it works.

The best way I know of to deal with all these unknowables is to make peace with the mystery. There are some things that will remain mysteries as long as we remain in bodies. There are those who have had near death experiences and come back to tell us how wonderful it was, and we shouldn’t worry and I’m glad that has brought some kind of peace to people. I don’t, however, for a moment think that a few minutes into the other side gives us the whole picture. It’s still a great and wondrous mystery as far as I’m concerned.

What I’ve noticed as I embrace this great mystery and let myself be fully present to it rather than just seeing it as a concept, is that I find peace in the here and now. I breathe and I let go and in that surrender to the mystery there is serenity. What’s most important is to be fully present to the great here and now which is where eternity lies. It isn’t some far off concept, it is a very present beingness.

Isn’t it a relief to be able to let go of the idea that we need to know what’s coming? I invite you to feel into the mystery, let the Grace of the moment bless you and then get up and do what’s yours to do with your whole heart.
