I have nothing to say. So why am I here? I made a commitment to myself to spend more time doing what I love and writing about things spiritual, and our Divine Potential is a big part of that. Speaking is also a vehicle for what I love, and I did speak this morning at the Centre for Spiritual Living South in Edmonton. It was a lovely experience as always as the topic made me think more deeply than I normally would about the need for a spiritual tune up now and then (I’ve written a little about that process in the last few days).

Now I feel kind of dry and without words. That’s actually ok with me because it can provide an opening for spirit to speak through me. Let’s see if that’s the case today…

Relax, open to the moment, the space, the stillness. This is home base, the place from which all ideas come forth. The is the spiritual ground from which life is born. A sense of emptiness is profound here, the opposite of how you tend to see it in the manifest world. Get comfortable with the paradox because it’s all paradox when you compare the physical and the nonphysical. It isn’t’ either/or’ but rather ‘and’. When you let go of your tiny perspective you can see there is room for it all. The divisiveness you are currently more aware of is a symptom of being caught up in the idea of either/or where you believe there is only one right way. If that were so, there’d only be one of you.

Why does it become so important to have others agree with us in our view of events and what should be done? Feel into it, you will find fear there, frequently the fear of being wrong and the consequences in your mind are pretty dire. Being wrong or perceived as wrong has cost people their lives at times, you can see it throughout history. We carry that within our DNA so we get very defended because our lives may depend on it. Ah, but what if we’re wrong about that?

That’s why it’s so important to question our own assumptions and beliefs. They may have a foundation in things that happened to us or that we witnessed or were taught but that doesn’t make them relevant in the here and now. Our most dearly held beliefs are the ones that are most likely to sabotage us in realizing our Divine Potential. They limit us at best and cripple us much of the time. Without enough humility to be able to see our limitations we are bound to keep repeating old patterns that no longer serve us.

We have been given the power to question, to wonder, to change our minds. That is an awesome power; it is what allows us to evolve in consciousness. We need to exercise it often in order to build our faith muscles and grow our roots deep into our Divine Nature. That’s where the fun really starts!
