I wrote the other day about having some reactions to various posts on Facebook or Twitter. I’ve noticed a marked decrease in reactions since then and it occurred to me that I could send people a blessing whenever I see something I either disagree with or if I feel a twinge of any kind. It feels so much better, and it releases me from the heavy energies that may have been triggered or that are obviously behind the post.

There is so much that is not in my control, but this is one thing I can do to make an energetic difference even if there isn’t anything I can do to change the circumstance. It’s so easy to discount what we do energetically because it isn’t visible, yet I know it affects not only my personal environment but the collective. It can be felt if we’re tuned in, and for most of us that takes a certain amount of practice. We’ve cut ourselves off from our bodies so much in our society that most of the time we are not even aware of what we’re feeling. We have to re-educate ourselves in order to learn the language of the body. I’m talking from the most subtle feeling to the most persistent and intense pain.

I’ve come to realize that the body is the most sophisticated, honest, reliable communication device ever created. I was so out of touch with what was going on for me in the first half of my life that I couldn’t even tell you when I was angry! Should be obvious one would think, but I had trained myself not to listen. I didn’t realize how sad or afraid I was much of the time either so it was a pretty big shock when I learned to recognize these feelings and how dominant they actually were as well as the associated thoughts that would roll around my head incessantly trying to get my attention.

Life got a whole lot better when I started to ‘listen’ to what my body was communicating so I could see more clearly what I was actually thinking, you know, those habitual thoughts we’re so used to we don’t even know they’re there. It also helped me release those heavy feelings so I could feel gratitude, love, joy and peace much more readily as well.

I know many of us learned to be afraid of our feelings when we were very young because we had no idea what to do with them. It took many years and a lot of persistence, but I am grateful to be relatively fluent in the language of the body (and soul) and that the learning continues.

It’s all connected; we are whole beings with so much divine potential when we aren’t stopping ourselves because we don’t know what to do with our own experience.


Ps This isn’t a marketing tool, but I do realize it is a challenge for many so if you want help learning the language of body and soul it is part of what I do with the Holistic Coaching.