I wonder where ideas come from some days. As I was getting ready to do my journaling this morning the thought struck me that all lower vibrational feelings such as shame, guilt, apathy, sadness, fear, anger are actually forms of resistance!

That made me pretty curious so I spent some time exploring what that could possibly mean. What might fear be in resistance to? Perhaps wisdom and the power of discernment? What about sadness? Could that be holding back love? What about anger? Could that be in resistance to our innate power of self-mastery and spiritual authority? What about apathy? Hmm…perhaps the life force itself? Guilt and shame? Could it be our own Divine Nature?

We think about resistance as being against dangers but what if there’s an even deeper aspect to resistance being about resisting our own highest good, the ego’s loss of control when we surrender to our Divinity?

I’m sure there could be other reasons for all these feelings, and of course things like the fear that arises when there’s a bus hurtling toward us is a good thing, it keeps us alive but most of our fears, etc are not about imminent danger but self-created illusions, the stories we tell ourselves about what things mean and what might happen. They tend to be automatic because they arise out of the subconscious but that doesn’t mean we have to let them control our lives. Sure, we may react and fall into our old patterns but that doesn’t mean we have to stay there.

Back to resistance though, as I felt into the possibility that all these feelings and doubts I’ve had all my life were forms of resistance I could feel a shift within. I could see it all quite differently as I realized it was true for me. In the process of fully feeling whatever sensations show up then letting go and surrendering I have been given a great gift of clarity which makes letting go even easier.

I’m still in the early stages of this realization but I can feel its significance going forward. I look forward to further exploration!
