Today is all about reflections on gratitude. I am grateful for the 68 revolutions I have completed around the sun. That’s 24,820 turns on the axis of this Earth. Wow, what a ride it has been (and no wonder I get dizzy sometimes)!

I celebrate all the wonderful people in my life and all those who have come and gone over the years. I have been blessed and enriched by every one of them whether I was aware of it at the time or not (mostly not if I am to be honest). Even the most challenging of times and difficult relationships have been part of the amazing preparation life has been for this day, this day and every day.

I have not always been able to see how blessed I was so I’m even grateful for the ability to appreciate all that has been and all that is now. I’m grateful for all the times I’ve been wrong about life, about people, about myself and I’m grateful that I have grown through all those times.

I appreciate the wonder of consciousness and how diverse we are even though we are all One. It has taken me a long time to get just how wondrous that is as I have grown in my ability to see beyond my smallness and limited views. I appreciate the Grace and the Guidance I received even though I did not deserve it. It truly speaks to me of the Greatness of Divinity and how deeply loved we all are.

I am so very grateful for my beloved John who has been with me for the past 21 revolutions; anyone who has known me for a long time could attest to the fact that it didn’t look very likely that would ever happen for me and certainly not that I would grow to love him and life more and more every day.

And finally, I am grateful for the awareness that if this life I am living can change as much as mine has and I can be as joyful and at peace with life as I am now, it is possible for everyone.

That is my birthday wish for you who are reading this, that you know your Self and your Joy; that you are Love and that it is never too late, no matter what the circumstances may be.
