Wow, there’s a lot of commentary today about Alberta’s idea for getting people to go for vaccinations. There’s also a lot being said about Texas and the Taliban and Covid in general. Opinions and positions for and against all sides. It could get a little overwhelming if one were to allow it.

I’m choosing, as my response, to keep my heart open and have compassion for everyone whether I understand them or not. These are uncertain times and with that comes fear and what follows isn’t always very pretty, but it is human, and it is here and so I can’t pretend there’s nothing going on. I feel fear arise in me too and I do my best to pay attention to it and let it go rather than suppressing it or reacting and projecting it. Doing that takes a lot of practice and persistence, but it sure beats the alternative for me.

When there really isn’t anything I can do about a situation because it simply is not in my control, I have found that resisting it through anger, fear, hatred, worry, etc. is more of an energy drain than a help. So, I keep letting go and I ask myself what is in my control? What can I do to contribute to the wellbeing of all? The response I get for myself (we all need to check in for our own answers to this) is keep loving everyone. Be that radiant centre of Divine Love and Compassion you are committed to being. See the Divine in everyone and know that in Truth there is no either/or, there is only Oneness. If action is called for from there, then just do it.

That is my path; it may be an uphill climb and I may fall off on a regular basis, but my commitment enables me to get right back on and choose love again and again and again, however many times it is called for.
