My question of the moment: What is the most important thing I could share today? The answer (as always), Love. Ok, next question: What is the most important thing I can write today? It’s never too late…for what? To be a success. Ah yes, never too late to be a success, but the definition of what exactly success means to me may need to be reviewed and revamped.

At one time in my life, success meant being married, then it was about having a successful business, and most of the time it was about being liked and perceived as successful. Often times it was about getting what I wanted, or least what I thought I wanted.

I remember well when I participated in Context Associated’s Excellence Series in the late 80’s, one of the things we worked on, especially in the second part of the series and then in the application part, was our definition of success. That was a very interesting exercise. When I first did it I had a very flowery, lovely statement of all the nice things I thought it meant. Then I went to work for them for a couple of years so had the opportunity to delve much deeper into what they were actually driving at.

Our definition of success isn’t necessarily all that pretty, it’s about getting some of our most unconscious needs met. I ended up with something around having my way, feeling wanted and something else I don’t really remember but it likely had something to do with getting attention or being in control. Not so pretty and often somewhat loaded with shame because there was a needy aspect to it that I really disowned. The point was however, to take ownership of them because these were the very things that had been sabotaging me all my life because I had rejected them, so they had gone underground.

I am deeply grateful for the process Context had developed over the years and continue to offer. It was the beginning of an amazing journey for me because those workshops were the first of many, many personal development workshops I would eventually take.

Now, I don’t often think about that particular definition of success as I am very aware of when those needs show up, but I have also changed my mind about what being a success in life means to me. It used to be external, about appearances or having stuff but now I would have to say being a success is about overcoming/transcending the limited ideas and illusions of the human condition and being free to love without condition. It’s an ongoing process but it is definitely where my idea of success now lies.

Interesting to observe just how much I have changed my mind about all that. Kind of a miracle in itself.

Who knew this is where I was headed when I was asking my questions at the beginning of this blog…
