Wow, what a morning I had today! It’s like the main things I’ve been wondering about just came together to fit like the pieces of a puzzle. My heart started racing and I could feel my whole body light up with excitement.

Idea 1 – If you have been following my blogs, you may recall my mentioning Sacred Soul Circles back on September 21st. The idea was just starting to form, and I really didn’t have any concept of where I would be going with it.

Idea 2 – I’ve been wondering for some time about whether I should be doing something more in regard to making a difference in this world. Last week I realized I had a ‘should’ in there that was not in alignment with my inner being so the question shifted to, ‘Is there something more I can do to make a difference?’ I journaled about that a bit and stayed open to wonder.

Idea 3 – I’ve been getting ready to do a talk at CSL South tomorrow and the topic is Share the Dream with this month’s theme being Going Further Together. I’ve had all kinds of things come up about it as I journaled the last few days and I just keep asking Spirit what to say.

So, the long and the short of it is in my meditation time after journaling this morning all of a sudden it all came together. The idea is that I am going to invite people from CSL and Unity and anyone else who is of like spiritual leanings to join me in creating Sacred Soul Circles for Spiritual Social Action (SSCforSSA for short).

This is an invitation to do some deep soul listening and soul sharing in response to the desire to put feet to our shared vision of taking part in raising the consciousness to create a world that works for everyone.

My vision is to see people coming together from the different New Thought communities and those who do not belong to any community but resonate with New Thought principles to explore together what that might look like through these circles.

This is not a rushed process or project; it is an exploration that could go on for months and more. I have no idea where it will take us, but I do know that coming together with clear intention and space for the Soul to express can bring about amazing inspiration and action.

So, I will be hosting an information session via Zoom on Saturday October 30th at 1 pm to speak more to the purpose and process of SSCforSSA for people who might be interested to get more information in order to make an informed decision as to whether they would like to participate or not.

If you would like an invite, email me at  Let’s see where this vision can take us together!
