Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
That has to be my all-time favourite quote from Psalms. It comes to mind often throughout the day (not that I’m always heeding it’s call mind you) as a constant reminder that all the frenetic activity I can get caught up in at times isn’t always the answer. Neither is my trying to figure everything out so I can get a handle on what’s going on or I can solve whatever problem I may be dealing with.
In the dream I was having this morning I let myself fall back into a body of water thinking I would float but instead I sank. Deeper and deeper I went, holding my breath and struggling. Then I could hear a voice saying let go, don’t fight it. Then I took a breath and I found I could breathe underwater. Then I woke up…
Be still and know that I am God.
Just breathe into that with me…
Let everything stop for the moment…
Just let it be…
Let your whole body and mind relax…
Focus deep within, beyond the heart even, to that place of stillness and perfect peace…
And just breathe, and rest, and listen…
Listen to the silence…
Let go, let go, let go…
If there is a concern that keeps coming up, surrender it to Inner Being and know that whatever you need will come to you if you just let go and stay open and receptive. All things arise from the stillness. We have within us what we need.
Be patient, wait and wonder…
All is well…