Since I started this spiritual director training everything seems to be about the Soul. Soul centered sharing, living, groups, you name it. Well, it actually started when I worked through Caroline Myss’s book Entering the Castle early this year. For some reason I didn’t really talk a lot about soul in the past. It was about Spirit or our Divine Nature, etc. I seem to be creating a new relationship with the word soul as well as with my own Soul.

The way I’m seeing Soul currently is as the connecting link between our Divine Nature and human nature. It is the repository of all experience, and it is the Sanctuary of the present moment beyond ego. Soul is seen differently in the various religious traditions, and I don’t think there’s a right way or a wrong way to see Soul but it is important for me to be clear on my own definition in order to make sense of it for myself.

I’m rather enjoying the process of creating this new relationship. It has the depth I long for and it makes relating with others more soulful as well. It is the pathway for peace, joy and love and that is what it’s all about in the end.

I am so grateful that the learning never ends.
