What a fabulous day. Had a great information session with those who joined in to learn more about Sacred Soul Circles. It is encouraging and refreshing to see so many with the desire to be of service from their souls rather than the perfunctory obligations we so often feel when it comes to serving. I know intimately the burnout that follows this kind of giving, it is very draining.

I think there is a deep desire in many of us however to find ways to take ‘action’ (I use that term loosely as what I mean is to be actively engaged in service whether on a physical level or other) from a spiritual perspective not because we should, a good person would, or because others think we should but rather from that innate desire of the soul to be of service in our own unique way. We all have gifts to share even though we so often don’t recognize them for ourselves. My hope and desire for these circles is that we as participants all find a deep sense of value for what we bring to the table.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to explore and be present to one another as we honour our own and each other’s souls.
