I sometimes wonder where the line is as to what I should share or not share in a group, especially ‘spiritual’ groups.
I’ll be honest, I swear. I actually like the expressiveness of swearing sometimes. I worked in the oilfield industry for a large part of my earlier life and my language could be pretty rough at times, still can be but I tend to hide that away. I am also quite a passionate and animated person when I let myself be, but I am aware that I do tend to tone all that down for the sake of some concept I have of what a ‘good’ person should say and how animated we should be.
I’ve noticed that we all tend to be very polite and well toned down most of the time in groups I belong to, and I appreciate that for the most part but sometimes, I just want to let loose and let whatever energy is there have a voice and let my body move to express whatever I am feeling be it excitement, frustration or anything else that shows up. I think that’s why I like Katy Perry’s “Firework” so much.
I wonder how much of our soul’s expression is also being squelched in constantly keeping a lid on how we really feel. As I move into the process of Sacred Soul Circles that are actually starting this Saturday, I hope/intend to make a space for us all to be able to take that lid off so we can get to the amazing soul presence underneath. I wonder if I’ll have the courage to lead by example. Should be interesting.