Looks like wintery weather is making its first appearance here in Edmonton with a little snow today and the promise of more. I love the changing seasons and the inherent beauty in whatever season we are experiencing.
I was talking about beauty and grace in my talk at CSL today. The best part for me about working with talk titles and ideas that come from someone else is in making them mine, going deeper and finding the richness in things I would not likely have thought to talk about myself. It took me a while to connect with this topic the way it was presented to me, but my process is to read what the originator has to say, find the thing that speaks to me as I ponder and journal about it for a few days and see what happens.
I’ve noticed that the topics I feel the least connected to on first or second reading have given me the greatest gifts after taking the time to let them work their way into my heart and soul. It’s yet another reminder of how we bless one another and help each other see things differently than we would if we were just left to our own resources. I rarely end up going with the originators talking points but that’s ok, the process sends me into wonder and curiosity and in the end that’s what I love.
So today, I’m seeing more beauty and feeling more grace and I am grateful.