What a difference a day makes, both in temperature and how I feel. It may be a lot colder out, but I feel 100% better after a wee bout with the old sinus yesterday. The sinus acts up now and again, but it rarely lasts more than a day, thank goodness.
It was -16C when we went for our walk this afternoon. It’s pretty chilly but at least you can dress for this kind of weather whereas there was no way we could make it work at +35C this summer. It definitely feels good to get back home though.
That’s not unlike when I’m dealing with the inner ‘weather’ so to speak. I noticed I was feeling a wee bit off my game emotionally this morning so as I journaled, I started by noting the sinus discomfort from yesterday and wondered what that was about then I went on to write about other stuff. As I went along I got into the emotional discomfort I had started feeling and realized I was feeling some inadequacy and self-doubt, my old nemeses. I decided to just be present to the feelings just as they were. Then, knowing these ideas are from the ego, the aspect of self that sees itself as separate, I wondered how Soul would see this… I closed my eyes and saw myself moving just slightly to the right of the dark image of the feelings and immediately saw and felt radiant light break through. The Light of the Soul which is Love was right there in a flash. Then I let go in surrender and allowed the dark image to simply melt into the Light. And I could literally feel myself lighten and free from the ego’s hold in that moment. At one point I connected these feelings with the sinus flare up but that didn’t happen till well into the third page of journaling.
That’s the beauty and the power of making myself write three full pages every morning. I often start with some issue or other then I wander about with whatever comes up and when I feel I have nothing left to say, then the good stuff starts to surface. It really does feel quite miraculous to me. I love those moments!
When I just journaled a page or two without a lot of commitment to the process, I didn’t really get any benefit. I see now why Julia Cameron in “The Artist’s Way” insists that you must write three full pages every morning. Having been doing this for the past three years I have gained more benefit from this process than any other single therapy or process I’ve tried including meditation which I still do every morning as well.
We all have to find that thing that works for us and I’m so glad to have found this.