Another morning of feeling a little off. After taking a little time to pay attention what I noticed was a sense of being ‘in between’ if that makes any sense. Accompanying that was feeling of emptiness, which is a little uncomfortable at first, especially before really paying attention to it.
There’s something profoundly significant about emptiness when I let myself rest in it. I realize it’s a space that calls me Home, that is actually full of Grace, but I have to pay attention to it in order to receive that Grace. Just thinking about it or trying to avoid it leaves me feeling disconnected and frustrated or bored.
These cold winter days where we aren’t going out for walks or really doing a lot of anything can bring up these feelings for a lot of us. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong; as far as I can tell, it’s really just a call to pay gentle attention to what I am experiencing in the moment, relax, fall into the feelings and let them move through me. There’s no need to rush it. Just be present and all things pass in their time.
Nothing boring about that.