Vision and Purpose
Contemplating what the spiritual journey is all about. It’s been such an up and down and round and round journey for me yet there’s something inside me that keeps calling me to stay with it
Getting It Right
I love in depth conversations where we talk about our dark side as well as our light. It is such a rare thing to be able to be completely authentic and to be heard and
Reflections on Spiritual Direction
I had a lovely little break with a trip to Jasper this past weekend. It’s always refreshing to go to the mountains and contemplate the majesty of life. I didn’t do any blogging while I
Be Still
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 That has to be my all-time favourite quote from Psalms. It comes to mind often throughout the day (not that I’m always heeding it’s call
So much going on Yet so little Absorbing perspectives And letting go A bit of a mishmash A bit of confusion Connecting and Disconnecting In and out of peace Full, rich moments Emptiness too All
Getting Centered
It’s been kind of a strange day today. I had a funeral service this morning which included a fair bit of driving. It was for the mom of a lovely family, and I had done
Givings Thanks and Taking Steps
Many blessings everyone on this lovely Thanksgiving Day. Things are cooling down here, but it is so beautiful and there is so much to be thankful for. Yesterday I added the information session info for
Wow, what a morning I had today! It’s like the main things I’ve been wondering about just came together to fit like the pieces of a puzzle. My heart started racing and I could feel
Our instructor had a great question for us last night at the Self-Awareness class. She asked us to bring to mind and describe three things: A time in our lives when I was listening from
What Lies Beneath
We are having our roof redone, finally. We’ve been waiting since June for the roofers to get to us and they finally arrived yesterday. We are so happy they’ve started. I wasn’t really excited about
Dynamic Tension
As I was meditating this morning for some unknown reason something I read and we discussed at my book club a few months ago came up for me. It is from the five recollections some
A lovely day for reading and reflecting as I continue to do my homework for tonight’s class. I’m on my second reading of all the material we were asked to cover because I have a
Celebrating You
Let it flow, don’t worry where it’s going to go Let every thought be a gift, an offering of love Let every action be instilled with presence and kindness Let every moment be fresh and
Interpreting Dreams
Strange dream with parts of it staying with me this morning which is unusual so I thought I’d do a little exploring. In the dream I was at some fancy place and my partner, and
Being Present
I have been so immersed in my studies I haven’t taken the time to do any blogging of late. The courses seem to have more homework this time round and I’m loving it all. I
Holy Words
I am re-immersing myself in the course work for my spiritual director training as our winter session begins tonight. Not that I actually left the work as I have continued to read the books from
It’s been an interesting few days for me and I wasn’t going to blog about it but here I am anyway. I don’t have a lot to say, I’m feeling kind of low so I’m
The Question of Evil
I had a most unusual journaling session this morning. The subject of evil came up as I was going along, so I went with it. I don’t particularly care for the word personally but sometimes