I’ve been thinking about karma of late. I read a quote from David Hawkins, one of my favourite spiritual teachers, where he said the ego is our karma. For some reason that really stuck with me and has me wondering. I love wondering about things, it opens me to all kinds of ideas and outlooks I would not normal be aware of.
The first words written in my journal this morning were, ‘Allergies are karma. Addictions are karma’. Why you ask? I have no idea, that’s just what showed up so I kept exploring what those concepts might mean. I’ve been very curious about allergies for a long time now as I seemed to have developed some later in life. I’ve been playing with ideas about what might be behind them because I have a belief that all physical phenomena start in consciousness. No, this isn’t about blame and shame for what we think and believe, that’s a very immature way of looking at karma. It’s about the human condition, awareness and our innate ability to heal, to change our lives and realize our Divine Potential.
When I started inquiring about the allergies I had developed, the thing that kept coming up over and over was resistance and defensiveness (more on what I was writing about yesterday). As I said previously, I have lived a life full of resistance and I realized it was to life itself in many ways. I was constantly resisting the way life was showing up, often in subtle ways, but resistance none the less. Of course, the body is going to reflect that somehow and one way is through allergies. I’ve been focusing on nonresistance and meeting life and my reactions to life events with love for some time now and the allergies have lessened considerably even if they haven’t all disappeared completely. Other ‘side effects’ of this practice is a marked increase in peace, non-judgmentalism and joy. The capacity to love what is has also increased exponentially and I know I’m still just touching into what’s possible.
Did this happen overnight? Most certainly not, it is an ongoing process that requires mindfulness and devotion to that which is greater than my personal perspectives. It’s about that commitment I talked about the other day and it’s about Grace and Love.
Here’s the essential thing I have come to realize about the law of karma or whatever you want to call the law of consciousness; Love is the fulfillment of the Law. Let me say that again, Love is the fulfillment of the Law. Simple and oh so challenging. Forgiveness, meditation, letting go, surrender, choosing to love rather than to be right or get even or blame or shame or anger or hatred or guilt or pride or wanting things to be different. The truth is, I stumble, I fall, I forget, I get up, I remember, I choose again. It’s messy sometimes but it’s worth it!
It’s like reaching for the stars, it feels so vast and far off sometimes. But if we don’t reach for the stars, how will we ever break free of the gravitational pull of karma? Besides, I can’t think of anything more fulfilling, more joyful, more fascinating that I could do with the rest of my life, can you?