And the wondering goes on. I’m so grateful for having slowed down in the way a process life. Rather than being in a big hurry to get through questions and feelings and problems and confusion, letting it all percolate and being open to actually wait for divine guidance as I explore and wonder is so much more honouring of Soul.

I can see now how all my multi-tasking and rushing through life and bouncing from one insight to the next did not nurture the soul and all the amazing possibilities that exist beyond the quick fixes and quick decisions and assumptions. I don’t have to have all the answers in order to tackle an issue; what I really need is the questions and the willingness to hang out in not knowing for as long as it takes. I have to say that really goes against the beliefs I developed to try to get ahead of the game but it’s high time to ‘repent’ (change from believing the illusions to believing in Soul/Source).

I love finding deeper meanings to words that used to trigger me.
