On this, the last day of February, the month of love, I would like to share with you the Welcome Process which has been such a blessing to me in these most uncertain times.
It is a situational process to help us integrate feelings and let go of those things that feed the small self.
I spoke about this process and shared it with my Sacred Soul Circles and in my talk yesterday at CSL. I use it all the time now and it seems every time I share it there’s new revelation and understanding for me. Used fully in the way it was intended it is very powerful. For those who choose to try it out, I hope you receive the kind of blessings I am getting from using it. As I said in my talk, this is not a once and done process. We use it whenever we find ourselves feeling uncomfortable in any way. It is body centered and as such I suggest you move slowly through it rather than rushing it and just doing it in your head. The power is in the whole person experience.
My friend Cindi suggested using a hand to help anchor the letting go statements which I thought was a brilliant idea so I’ve gone ahead and created an image of that for those who are more visual or who would like to anchor these statements using the NLP process of touching each finger as you make the statement.
Enjoy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
The Welcome Process
(Based on the work of Mary Mrozowski’s)
Step one—Focus and Sink In
When you become aware of discomfort, pain, fear, sadness, anger or any uncomfortable feelings, notice the thoughts you are having then drop your attention down into your torso and notice any physical sensations/emotions. (Keep your focus in your body for the entire process)
As best you can name the feeling you are sensing (I am feeling fear, sadness, anger…) without any kind of analysis or judgment.
Step two—Welcome
Welcome the feeling, making space for it in your body, breathing with it for a moment. Let yourself become aware of the presence of the Divine in that space along with the feeling.
Step three—Let Go (Pause after each statement to let yourself feel it. You can also touch a finger for each the first five statements to anchor it)
“I let go of the desire for security and survival.
I let go of the desire for esteem and affection.
I let go of the desire for power and control.
I let go of the desire to change the situation.
I let of the desire to be right.
I let go of (name the feeling).”
Affirm – I embrace what is. (Or any affirmation that arises from the cleared space)