Just a little update from my post of the 9th. There’s been some major shifting going on and I’m certainly not in the depths of the darkness anymore, but I also know it isn’t over. Well, it’s actually never over, is it? We go through these intense times then they pass, and we have more of a sense of wholeness more for having embraced the shadow and the beat goes on.
I’ve been through this enough to know that being aware of the patterns doesn’t mean they won’t come up again. Nothing that is this deeply entrenched in the psyche just goes away. The gift is in being able to see it more readily and to be able to make the shift sooner. There’s also something about facing the shame that is very freeing. Shame is probably the densest energy to get through so every breakthrough is a moment of triumph in my book.
I am also feeling much better after sharing the process and this morning’s Sacred Soul Circle. What a gift it is to be able to enter the depths of soul with others. I am so very grateful.