You just never know what’s going to show up when you do morning pages. Today after rambling on for 2 ½ of those pages, I started thinking again about the things we need to let go in the second phase of life. The desires for survival and security, esteem and affection, power and control, manipulating life to suit our personal purposes.
When you sit with these desires for a bit you soon come to realize they are all desires of the ego and while they may serve us in the first phase of life where we are going outward, building an identity and a life in the world, when we come to the second phase where we are on the return journey to the great Mystery of Being, these same desires become kind of toxic in a way and they definitely become obstacles to surrender.
That part wasn’t new but what hit me was how similar this process is metaphysically to what we are facing right now in terms of energy sources. Oil and gas have enabled us to achieve some pretty amazing things in the world but now we are being called to a new phase of life on this planet, and the need to use different energy sources to fuel the journey. Sadly, much of what we are looking at is more like moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic, they create new problems, like electric cars and all the problems with batteries, etc.
Just as we are called to a new level of consciousness on the journey Home, where we stop being just consumers of ‘energy’, in other words constantly trying to ‘get’ things, and become contributors instead where we realize we are part of the whole and we need to give as well, I think we really need to look at our physical energy resources in the same way.
I don’t know exactly what that looks like in terms of physical energy sources, but I suspect there are those who do. On the psycho/spiritual level, we need to be aware of our motivations so that we can be aware enough to let go of those desires that feed the ego and shift to a deeper source which we call Love, the energy Source that can never be depleted, that we can give and receive freely, that doesn’t pollute the inner environment.
There’s always another way; it takes practice and dedication to even become aware of where we’re coming from and what we really need now but we have the resources if we look for them.